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Establish a Fund

Our team works on an individual basis with donor partners to determine the best way to ensure their goals are met and that the impact they desire matches their giving passions.

The following are examples of different types of funds at the Community Foundation. There are many ways that we can work with you on your giving plans. We invite you to talk with us about how we can meet your goals and interests. Contact us at info@gtrcf.org to get a conversation started today.

Donor Advised Endowment

Donor(s) establish the endowment and may make grant award recommendations to the Community Foundation Board.

Named Endowment

Donor(s) may name the endowment and choose whether to designate a purpose or named County or community, or leave it undesignated to address changing community needs. Donor(s) do not play an advisory role in grantmaking; the Community Foundation Board oversees grant disbursements.

Community Fund (Undesignated) Endowment

Donor(s) may name the endowment; the Community Foundation Board oversees grant disbursements to address changing community needs.

Field of Interest Endowment

Donor(s) establish the endowment and may name the field of interest for grantmaking purposes (i.e. arts and culture, education, environment, health and human services, youth); grant award recommendations are made to the Community Foundation Board by a fund advisory committee, typically after a grantmaking process.

Scholarship Endowment

Donor(s) establish the scholarship and may name criteria and requirements; scholarship awards are made during the Community Foundation's scholarship process.

Endowment Designated for an Agency

Individual donors and/or an agency may establish the endowment and name the agency to benefit from annual grant awards.

Community Foundation Organizational Support Endowment

Donor(s) may name the endowment that is designated to support organizational needs of the Community Foundation.