Rotary Endowment
In 1999, Rotary Charities donated $2.5 million to the Community Foundation to establish the Rotary Endowment. The Endowment connects the shared work of Rotary Charities and the Community Foundation by promoting philanthropy to enrich the quality of life in our region.
Today, the Rotary Endowment provides an opportunity for individual Rotarians and local Rotary Clubs to have their philanthropic support matched by the Community Foundation.
The partnership between the Community Foundation and Rotary Charities is reflective of the quality of philanthropic intent and integrity that makes this a wonderful place to live, work, and give.
Rotary Club Match Request Form - Click to download
The Community Foundation Board of Directors awards grants, based on recommendations by Rotary Charities representatives, who act as advisors to the Endowment.
One of the primary ways the Endowment encourages philanthropy by Rotarians is by offering a match to individual Rotarian giving to organizations within Antrim, Benzie, Grand Traverse, Kalkaska, and Leelanau Counties.
Individual Rotarian Match Forms
Use the links below to download the match form for your Rotary Club.
Fund Details
Theme: Education, Environment, Health & Human Services, Youth, Arts & Culture
Counties Served: Antrim, Benzie, Grand Traverse, Kalkaska, Leelanau